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Descubre cómo techywe ayudó a Banco a no solo utilizar herramientas de agilismo, sino también vivirlo como cultura.
Logo de nuestro cliente de agilismo Banco Cuscatlan


Stop doing agility, to be agile

Nuestro cliente Banco Cuscatlán implementaba herramientas de agilismo, sin embargo no vivían los valores necesarios para que estos generaran valor en sus procesos.


Our client had already received all the necessary theory on the application of SCRUM to projects, however the organization still did not perceive an agile and innovative model in its new products.

We did?

We reorient the theoretical knowledge of SCRUM towards the agile culture and the values of agility and we accompany technology and business teams in discovering the best way to apply SCRUM, KANBAN and DEVOPS to their needs. Today our client has a digital factory focused on building agile products.

digital factory

Internal oriented to the digital innovation of the company.

Customer service improvements

With innovative products that promote the good use of resources.


Innovative products with added value to the customer.

Visualización de lo que Banco Cuscatlán logró luego de que le ayudamos a encontrar su adn de agilismo
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